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Mar 17 - Apr 17 (1 mo)

Booking System for Yes SPA

Project Overview ​

As part of my economic school's initiative to provide practical company management experience, we founded Yes (Young Excellent Students) SPA. Each share of the company was valued at 1 euro, and we managed all aspects, including the general assembly and accounting. To contribute to this venture, I developed a booking system that streamlined the reservation and payment process for shares.

My Role ​

I was the one-man band for this project, handling everything from the client-side webpage to the backend and even the Android app for validating reservations.

The booking system allowed users to reserve a specific number of shares online. After making a reservation, students got an appointment for payment collection. At the appointment, I used an Android app to scan the reservation QR code, validate the transaction, and register the shareholder in the system. The client's screen then showed a welcome message to YES SPA. Super smooth and efficient! 😎

Impact and Outcomes ​

The simple and straightforward booking process really improved the user experience. A lot of students signed up as it was so easy to use, which was a big win for our initial public offering.

Reflections ​

This project was very intresting for me! I loved applying my technical skills in a real-world setting, creating intuitive and effective solutions is something I'm really passionate about. 🌟